So here is the low down on Mr Konners arrival!
It all started on Friday the 12Th. I started having contractions in the am that were about 6 minutes apart. They were more dull then they were sharp. I decided that I would go to the hospital anyways just in case. So I had my mom get off work and come get me. We went to CRMC around 9:30 and I got checked in... to L&D Triage. lol Anyways I was having contractions 4-5 minutes apart but I was still only dilated to a 3. So they had me walk around for an hour and check me again. I was at a 3 but almost a 4 so they said go walk around for another hour and we'll check you again but if your not at a 4-5 then we will send you home and see you back another day. So i walk around again and my contractions seemed to get so much stronger. I had to stop during them and like hum.. is that weird?! We'll I thought so. lol anyways so I go back and they check me and NO LUCK!!! My mom and I were like you have got to be kidding me. I am so glad my mom was with me because not only was she a whoot to be around but I couldn't have done it without her. So they sent me home at 2 and that was that. I felt so off the rest of the day. I even was able to go to bed at around 9:30. It was great!!
Then I woke up on Feb 13Th at 3:30 am in so much pain. I thought well i don't want to go to the hospital because i don't want to be sent home. So I laid back down. But then I would get the same pain again and would have to move into a fetal position or a standing position and rock from side to side. Finally at 4 I go and tell my mom to move into my room cause I'm having contractions and I don't want to wake kayben. Well then like 15 minutes later I wake her up again telling her I'm in labor I know it. She had this look of horror on her face like R U serious!! I wish I had my camera but at the time I just wanted some pain killers!!! Well at 4:30 I call my friend tobi and tell her to wake up and come get me cause I'm in labor. After that i try to get ahold of Kyle on Skype to let him know and he isn't on?!!! You've got to be kidding me. His freaking Internet went down and I was soo mad. Let me just tell you I was having contractions every 5 minutes by this time and they were so strong that i was crying during them. Well I finally got ahold of my friend and he went and woke kyle up. He finally was able to fix his skype and I called him cause I was unable to type. Well I started telling him what was going on but then a HUGE contraction hit and all I could do was kinda scream and tell my mom to talk to him. IT HURT LIKE HELL!!! Seriously no joking at all. This all happened in a matter of 30 minutes and it felt like hours. I really thought I was going to have my baby at home. Tobi gets to my house and we get to L&D and they check me in again get all my info and my mom and I go to the back were they put me on the monitor check my contractions and then check me to see how far along I was. Well my contractions were coming every 3 minutes and I was dilated to a 7!!!! Woohoo no false alarm this time folks. I was so happy but worried that I would be able to set up my computer in time for kyle to see. Well they got me admitted and I was in my room in 30 minutes. at that time I was in soo much pain and so the nurse checked again and I was at 8. So I asked for an epidural and she said ok but I had to get my first bag of fluids in first. I then said um ok but can I have some Tylenol! She just laughed at me and said "Honey Tylenol, Really? Oh thats not going to do a darn thing for ya." So I said ok then Give me the epidural now! So I got the epidural!!! lol I was able to get my skype up and running and I told Kyle I would video call him as soon as I was ready to push. My bag of waters was still intact so The dr. came in to break my water. He went to break and said Um Ok she is complete and then looked at me and said we are going to have a baby soon. that was at 8:00 and at 8:16 after 3 pushes Konner Dean was born.
Kyle Got to watch the whole thing Courtesy of Skype. It was such a great moment and so much better then him not being able to see anything at all. He was amazing even though he was so far away. He kept cheering me on. He would let me know he was there with me even though he was only there my computer. We had got the news on Wednesday that he would not be able to come home to see Konner be born. I am so very glad that the hospital let us skype.
My whole experience with Konner from the beginning of my pregnancy to the end was amazing and such a wonderful blessing. My hospital experience was great. All the nurses and my Dr and Konners Dr. were great. I would have loved to have written a recommend for all of them. There was one nurse who did such a special thing for me (that I can not say because its a surprise for Kyle when he gets home) that I will never forget!
I love my life right now. I would not have it any other way. I have 3 wonderful lil boys who are the biggest blessings in my life. I love them each in their own lil way. Konner adds so much to our family and is the perfect little close to our family. The Dowdys are COMPLETE now. Thank you all for your congrats and Thank you Kyle for being so strong during this deployment and for all the things you said and did to get me through this pregnancy. Thank you to my Mom for being there for me during these last couple of weeks, actually months. Your are an amazing mother and Im so glad that your mine. You have helped Kyle and I out in so many ways and for that we can not thank you enough. Thank you to Tobi for being an great friend and being there when I needed someone to talk to and someone to go to the hospital with me. You will always hold a special place in my heart. You truly are a definition of a best friend! Thank you to my Mother in law as well for taking a week off of work and helping out with my boys. We had some great little moments and shared alot of well needed laughs! Sorry about my breakdown on Tuesday, I will try not to let it happen again!
I am one happy Momma/Wife right now.
Sorry about this LONG Novel, But having a baby is kinda a big deal if you know what I mean!!
Pictures to follow.