Well I took my Countdown for kyle to come home down. My reason is, It seemed to never countdown for me. It seems like it has said 180 days for like 80 days. lol I guess it makes it seem alot longer when in all actuality we only have about 5 months. And when you say 5 months that seems shorter then 180 days! So that is my reason for it. Kyle I love you and we are still counting down the days for you at home.
Well our lil "Peanut" is still kicking, no literally he still is kicking. And its not little flutters anymore. He is doing lots of flips and is constantly kicking me. I guess that's what babies do right lol. He is as healthy as can be and I only have hopefully 1 more specialist appointment left, yay me! My next appointment is next Tuesday and so far my cervix is still long and going strong. I am sooo EXCITED!!! I could not ask for such a better pregnancy while my husband is gone. Kyle reminded me what a blessing it was and that is the truth. We have been blessed with our lil peanut and a healthy family. So far so good in the Dowdy home. Now if we could figure out a name! As you can see I have a lil name poll going. Kyle has left picking out the name to me. I really need some help, so if you could PLEASE vote I would appreciate it. Our lil guys middle name is going to be Dean after my dad. We usually give our boys the same initials as Kyle. But I thought it would be neat to name him after my dad. And im hoping that Our peanut will know that he has a special name even though he doesn't have the same initials as his daddy.
What do you think?