Friday, August 14, 2009

ups and downs of being a pregnant single mommmy

(These pictures are from Kyesuns first day of 1st Grade)

That right folks. Boy has this pregnancy already been eventful and im only 13 wks. Its pretty crazy in our house these days. Kyesun has started first grade. He is getting too big and just loves school and all his friends. His best friends are JC and Destinee. Kayben on the other hand is a crazy child. I think its crazy to me because Kyesun was such a calm and content kid. He was seriously such a perfect boy. My sister in laws tell me all the time that Kyesun was not normal and that they never seen such a more calm kid. lol He is so chill and goes with the flow. Now Kayben is my monster dare devil kid. He is constantly making messes and getting into things. This morning he busted his upper lip and then wrote all over himself. He uses his dang stools to get into everything!!! and I mean EVERYTHING!!! He got into my medicine cabinet and decided that he needed some tums. I turn my back for 5 secs and he comes to me and looks like he is foaming out the mouth. NOPE its just a handful of tums! He then decided it would be a neat idea to see what sunscreen taste like. If that isnt enough I have to hide all the toothpaste from him because if I dont then he will get it and hide so he can eat it! I swear I have my hands full with him. and All Kyesun can do is say "mom Kayben is making a mess again." Man it is so hard being a single mom, I just want my husband back already!! Kyle hurry hurry home!

I have a friend who posted a great poem on her blog. But since it is a private blog I will post the same poem on mine to share with you all! I love it.....

Well that is a short paragraph of what is going on in our lives. Oh and you ask what about me and the baby.

Baby is doing great and growing and is very healthy. For me I just found out that I have complete placenta previa. Im kinda scared but with alot of prayer and I hope that it moves up. I am hoping that since they found it so early that I will have a better chance of it moving when the baby grows. If not then I will have to have a C-Section around 35 wks. So PLEASE pray for us that my placenta will move up! Well thats it! thanks for checking up on us!


court said...

i wish kyle was there to help you! i will be praying for you! and really let me know if you need anything! really!

Amanda said...

Kayben and Drew are too much alike. Everything you described about him happens on a daily basis with Drew. Let's just hope it's the age and that these monsters grow out of it. Kyesun is too cute and looks so grown up!
