Sunday, May 1, 2011

A sweet Victory!

BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it! I cant believe almost 10 years ago he changed the U.S forever. Tonight We have brought him to justice! Tonight I thank from the bottom of my heart and for my freedom, All the U.S. Troops that have served in Both wars Operation Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan! Thank You for your sacrifice and for your bravery! Thank You to those troops who put their lives on the line today to take him down. Tonight I will never forget and will forever be thankful! I Personally would Like to thank those soldiers I do know! My husband Kyle Dowdy I thank you for all you have done for our family! Thank You for your multiple sacrifices and for your courage. Thank you for your support in the war against terror. Thank you Always! To All the men and women of the 1404th Thank you too!


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