Hey guys I am going to make my blog Private! so if you still want to visit my page will you Please leave me your email address you used to create your blog in a comment. Thanks
Oh my goodness everyone is going private!! I dont get it:) well I would love to keep looking at your blog if thats ok. my email is brittlee_hatch@hotmail.com
I don't blame you one bit!! It's such a good idea!! hey when you add me you have to add me with this email because it's the one I use for blogger.
Love ya!
I want in on the fun!
sharonater [at] gmail [dot] com
OK, Ignore that last comment....did you delete your myspace? I'm confused. Anyway, my email is jwakheslop@msn.com
Oh my goodness everyone is going private!! I dont get it:) well I would love to keep looking at your blog if thats ok. my email is brittlee_hatch@hotmail.com
We would love to keep updated on your family!! You can e-mail me at karibrimhall@hotmail.com Your boys are adorable:) Thanks
Thanks Erin! We need to get together soon, when it warms up and isn't sooo windy!!
Hey guys. I definatly want to keep in touch with your family. email us at snjlarsen@hotmail.com
Hey Erin!
I am so happy about your house selling!! That is awesome!! Please add me I want keep in touch! shamills@hotmail.com
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